Tuesday 24 June 2014

Curried Eggs

I am not particularly fond of eggs. There is something very unpleasant about eating eggs. I know its health benefits but leaving those aside, I quite dislike having boiled/poached/any kind of egg. I see my mother making egg curries at home all the time and I thought it was time I came up with a version that I, too, would like to eat. I call it the modified version of my mother’s egg curry. She never uses tomatoes for her curry but my fondness for tomatoes made it absolutely necessary for me to make it an addition in my version. Also, this is a thick curry, almost like a dry sabzi.

Of course, there is no mentioning of the health benefits of eggs and tomatoes. Eggs are completely healthy and 3 eggs per day can be consumed. It has Vitamin A, B5, B12, B2, Folate, Selenium, and Phosphorus. Apart from that, eggs have Choline, a nutrient that is important in building cell membranes and produces signaling molecules in the brain.
Tomatoes are a rich source of vitamins A and C and folic acid.

So the recipe is as follows 

For the Curried eggs:

6 Eggs hard boiled
2 tbsp Mild olive Oil
½ tsp ghee or clarified butter
½ tsp whole cumin
2 medium onions chopped
2-3 green chilies
1 tsp garlic paste
½ tsp ginger paste
1 cup tomatoes chopped
1 tsp Turmeric
1 tsp cumin powder
½ tsp coriander powder
½ tsp black pepper powder
1 tsp garam masala
Salt and sugar to taste
Chopped coriander to garnish

Quarter the boiled eggs, add a little oil to a frying pan and fry them just to give it some color; keep aside. 

In a heavy bottomed pan, heat the oil and pop the whole cumin in that. Chuck the chopped onions in the pan and add a pinch of salt, reduce the heat to minimum. We want the onions to be translucent and soft. Adding the salt will release all its juices thereby not frying the onions, turning them deep golden brown. Once the onions are soft, increase the heat and add the chopped tomatoes, chilies, clarified butter and the spices. Leave out the garam masala at this stage. Keep stirring on the high heat until the tomatoes are completely cooked and the oil starts to separate. At this stage the color of the masala is prepared and we are ready to add the eggs to it. Toss in the eggs into the masala and add about quarter cup of water. As soon as it starts to boil, reduce the heat until all the water has evaporated. I like mine very thick and thereby I make sure all the water has evaporated. If you would like a little gravy, you can adjust the amount of liquid. Instead of quarter cup of water you can add half a cup. Once the curry comes together, add the garam masala, check for seasoning and garnish with fresh chopped Coriander/ Cilantro.

Adding the garam masala at the end is going to ensure that the curry is fragrant. If I would have added it before, it loses it potent heady aroma.

The thick curry is best with phulkas or paranthas whereas the gravy-ish eggs are good with come cumin/steamed rice.

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